What is Female Sexual Dysfunction?
What is Female Sexual Dysfunction?
Intimate health is one of the fundamental pillars of a woman’s overall well-being. Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD) is a common issue among ladies that causes a lack of sex drive, difficulty achieving an orgasm or pain during relations. Being unable to attain a satisfactory sex life can be frustrating for all involved, as well as erode self-esteem and confidence.
There are many possible causes of FSD. Physical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, thyroid disease and multiple sclerosis can cause intercourse to be painful or uncomfortable, making arousal and climaxing a challenge. Pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding are also conditions that cause temporary hormonal imbalances, which also negatively affect libido.
Emotional and mental unrest can also lead to Female Sexual Dysfunction. A history of abuse along with feelings of inadequacy, fear, or disinterest may be the culprit if there are no physical reasons. Lastly, drugs, alcohol and certain medicines could also play a part. High blood pressure drugs, antidepressants, antipsychotics, as well as meds for epilepsy and some cancer treatments are prone to causing low libido and vaginal discomfort.
Types of FSD
Female Sexual Dysfunction is incredibly common but seldom spoken about. According to WebMD almost half of all women are inflicted with persistent sex problems. Rather than a single issue, it’s an umbrella term for multiple medical conditions related to women’s intimate health. There are 4 major afflictions covered under the FSD label.
The first is female sexual arousal/interest disorder. This is demonstrated by an inability to feel sexually interested or respond to stimulation. Another possible issue is anorgasmia, which manifests as difficulty achieving an orgasm, even when adequately stimulated.
Sexual arousal disorder makes experiencing and maintaining arousal difficult and is also responsible for a lack of lubrication or swelling when stimulated. Lastly, dyspareunia is pain associated with intercourse. These conditions can put a damper on intimacy. Luckily there are affordable treatments available to help.
Types of Female Sexual Dysfunction Medication
There are several treatments available to alleviate the conditions related to female sexual dysfunction. Flibanserin, sometimes sold as Addyi is a medication used to reverse female sexual arousal/interest disorder.
It works by recalibrating chemicals in the brain that are responsible for arousal like dopamine and norepinephrine. Simultaneously it also decreases serotonin, a brain chemical associated with lowered sex drive.
Anorgasmia, sexual arousal disorder, and dyspareunia are all treated with sildenafil citrate, often sold under the brand name Lovegra. This medication is made with the same active ingredient as Viagra, the famous pill for men.
Regardless, this is a female sexual dysfunction medication that treats most conditions associated with FSD. By increasing blood flow to the genitals, women taking this medicine will experience increased sensitivity, lubrication, and vaginal responsiveness during stimulation.
Are They Safe?
Both Lovegra and Addyi are completely safe when used as directed. They have been approved by the FDA as well as other regulatory bodies, meaning they meet the strictest set of standards. In order to be granted a license, the medicine must be rigorously tested and have its effectiveness and safety proven many times over.
Customers suffering from female sexual dysfunction can purchase these drugs with confidence, knowing it’s received approval from one of the world’s most trusted food and drug evaluators.
Natural Measures to Improve Female Health
While the pharmaceutical approach is effective for female sexual dysfunction, a treatment plan that includes natural remedies to improve women’s health could create faster, longer-lasting results. Identifying the underlying cause will help individuals tailor this approach to their unique situation. If the cause is unknown, simply experiment with various techniques found here or online.
Start by being mindful about what you consume. Figs, avocados and bananas are all foods thought to enhance libido. Not only are they full of necessary vitamins and minerals, they increase genital blood flow, leading to a more active bedroom.
Order Female Sexual Dysfunction Medication Online
It can be embarrassing having to go and look a local pharmacist in the eye while purchasing medicine for female sexual dysfunction. Thanks to the Internet and online pharmacies, it’s no longer an issue. Order from the privacy and convenience of home, or wherever there’s mobile access. No appointments, prescriptions, or consultations are required.
Enjoy fantastic savings, and bulk discounts on a variety of intimate health pharmaceuticals. When ordering, choose from the drugs aimed at female sexual dysfunction like Lovegra or Addyi. Then pay using our secure checkout with Visa, MasterCard, Bitcoin and bank transfer. Consumers making their purchase with Bitcoin will receive free shipping as a thank you.
Customers can expect their packages to be discreetly packaged and arrive within 4-7 days with tracking included. Additionally, feel free to contact our 24/7 customer service with any questions or concerns.
Sometimes women become unable to muster physical arousal or interest in sex. When it happens against her choice, it can lead to feelings of shame and inadequacy. In truth, female sexual dysfunction is widespread. It’s so common that now medicine has been created to target and fight the symptoms. Lovegra and Addyi are two drugs sold online to treat the issue.
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Writer Profile
Dr Edward McCrae is a well-educated Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine specialising in urology. He studied at the University College London for his bachelor’s degree and continued his postgraduate studies at the University of Cambridge. By staying at the cutting edge of research and medical advancements, Dr McCrae was able to enhance access to critical drugs. Now his goal is to spread insight on the latest research and medical developments. Follow Dr Edward McCrae on x.com and linkedin.com.
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